Days 7 and 8: L'Hopital Bernard Mevs‎, Port-au-Prince, Haiti

We started our day extra early, as we had learned from one of our favorite translators Saul, that he doubled as a minister and led a morning prayer service at 6:30 M-F. We came to know of this as Saul could be Barry White's brother with this deep soulful voice. We would hear him singing from time to time and in talking he mentioned his role as minister... Read More...

Day 6: L'Hopital Bernard Mevs‎, Port-au-Prince, Haiti

I'm going to try really hard today to only report good things. Or at least good things that we did for unfortunate patients we encountered... Read More...

Day 5: L'Hopital Bernard Mevs‎, Port-au-Prince, Haiti

Never a dull minute in Bernard Mevs Hospital. Not a very good night's sleep as Kenny, who is sleeping in our bunk, was called out to the pediatric ICU to help intubate a baby who was not doing well. Each morning our bunk empties out by 6:00 am because the nurses start their shift then. We PT's have it made with "casual work hours", so we get dressed, heat up water for our prized Starbucks via instant coffee (never thought instant coffee could taste so good), and enjoy a protein bar. It is our moment of pure heaven. As soon as we venture out our door, the day gets started...

Day 4: L'Hopital Bernard Mevs‎, Port-au-Prince, Haiti

So much to report about today, we don't know where to get started. I'll go for chronological. Some of the stories I share today include tales from the nurses who are with us on this trip and doing an amazing job... Read More...

Day 3: L'Hopital Bernard Mevs‎, Port-au-Prince, Haiti

Susanne had a rough night last night. Let's just say that the first night in a state of delirium, she accidentally brushed her teeth with the tap water. Having realized this on Sunday morning, she started a dose of Cipro but didn't read the fine print. Avoid dairy. So unbeknownst to me she was in and out of our bunk bed (she's on top, I took Ambien) to visit the toilet which barely flushes. She has been a trouper in spite of being slightly under the weather... Read More...

Day 2: L'Hopital Bernard Mevs‎, Port-au-Prince, Haiti

Sunday was a fairly quiet day for PT. We are seeing three children in pediatrics – two babies with Spina bifida/hydrocephalus. They recently had their surgeries by a visiting neurosurgeon... Read More...

Day 1: First Post from L'Hopital Bernard Mevs‎, Port-au-Prince, Haiti

Haiti airport/customs was fairly easy to navigate. Of course my large suitcase was the last one to be found.... The Project Medishare rep. met us and quickly got us to our vans and we were headed to Bernard Mevs Hospital within 45 minutes from landing... Read More...

Arrival in Miami

We arrived at Miami International Airport at 9 pm and finally got to the hotel at 10:30 pm. Susanne was in search of peanut butter to bring with us so we walked the streets around the hotel (much to my Mother's concern) seeking an open store with peanut butter. Luckily Nick is fluent in Spanish as all of the store workers were non english-speaking. However we quickly learned that "crema de cacahuate" is not stocked at your basic Chevron 24-hour Snack Shop... Read More...

Haiti Medical Trip