Family leaving funeral

A 30-year employee of the hospital died on Monday. The hospital "closed down" this afternoon so staff could attend funeral. I had 2 clinic patients so I missed the service. Funerals are a big deal here. Did catch some good photos after and video.

3-2-2011 haiti
Click to view photo location in Google Maps

After funeral, 2 guys from hospital took Noah, Ruben, Max and I on a hike to their homes. At Basiwell's home they grow and roast coffee. He wanted us to see his moms hand; carpal tunnel surgery 5 years ago with full hand contracture from not moving it. She may have surgery tomorrow.

On to Jimmy's house. He makes honey and showed us his honeybees. Then he let us taste his honey -- truly fantastic!

The hike provided a real look in to the way the locals live. They have a higher quality of life than Port-au-Prince.

Evening rounds tonight from 7-9:30. Five surgeries scheduled tomorrow; more ortho follow-ups for clinic and 40-50 inpatients who need PT.

Haiti Medical Trip